Create an Analysis

Creating an Analysis is the first step in understand which types of events impact your demand.


HTTP Request


Request Headers




Request Body


name string required

Name of an analysis. E.g. My Location Analysis 1

location.* object required

Contains geopoint, radius and unit to represent the location of your data to create the analysis.

  • geopoint contains lat and lon which are coordinates for your analysis, e.g. if you are creating an analysis for a store in Seattle you'd specify the latitude and longitude of your store.

  • unit is the unit for radius and must be one of:

    • m - meters

    • km - kilometers

    • ft - feet

    • mi - miles


  "geopoint": {
    "lat": "-36.849761",
    "lon": "174.7628903"
  "radius": 1.22,
  "unit": "km"

demand_type.* object


Provides information about the demand type of the analysis.

  • industry is the industry of the demand data being analysed by Beam. Choosing the right industry is important as this will determine the type of features used in the Analysis and will impact the accuracy of the results. Must be one of the following:

    • accommodation

    • cpg

    • tourism

    • marketing

    • parking

    • restaurants

    • retail

    • transportation

    • other


  "demand_type": {
    "industry": "restaurants"

external_id string optional

External identifier for the location. If you have an ID for the location/store/property in your other platforms, use the same ID here to easily link this specific Beam Analysis to the location. E.g.

  "external_id": "abc123"

label string optional

Comma-separated list of labels that can be used to search and filter Beam analyses. E.g.

  "label": ["label1", "label2", "label3"]

rank.* object required

Specifies which rank type to use when calculating event impacts and anomaly detection. Currently, only PHQ rank is supported (also known as "Rank") so this value should be set to "phq" as shown below.

  "type": "phq"

Possible rank type values: phq - PHQ Rank Optionally, specify the minimum rank level to use when calculating event impacts. Note: We strongly recommend not setting the rank levels and instead letting Beam define the best rank levels based on your industry.


  "type": "phq",
  "levels": {
    "phq": {
      "min": 51


Example response

Below is an example response:

  "analysis_id": "2iJcUzm3-ZE"


curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
     --data @<(cat <<EOF
        "name": "Analysis 1",
        "location": {
            "geopoint": {
                "lat": "-36.849761",
                "lon": "174.7628903"
            "radius": 1.2,
            "unit": "km"
        "demand_type": {
            "industry": "restaurants"
        "rank": {
            "type": "phq"


Below are some guides relevant to this API:

Last updated

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