Search Events

Search for events happening in a location and date range. Use our extensive filters to narrow down your results.

Results are limited by your subscription

Please note that you will not receive an error when requesting a date range or location that is outside of your subscription settings.

This is sometimes confused with missing data. If you're not seeing the results you expect to see then please ensure your subscription covers the location or time period you're searching for.

Your subscription settings can be viewed in Control Center.


HTTP Request


Query parameters


active.* date range

The date range during which events occur.

Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC). The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?

impact.* date range

The impact range of the events (which could be larger than the actual event range). This parameter works similarly to the active.* parameter, but it uses industry-specific impact range of an event where applicable. For this parameter to work an additional parameter must be specified: impact.industry, which must be one of the following:

  • accomodation

  • cpg

  • tourism

  • marketing

  • restaurants

  • retail

  • transportation

If no industry is specified, this parameter will work exactly like active.* Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC). The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?

brand_unsafe.* brand-unsafe

Whether or not to exclude potentially brand-unsafe events. Potentially brand-unsafe events are included by default.

Currently only supports the exclude suffix.

  • exclude: whether or not to exclude potentially brand-unsafe events from results (required, valid options are true or false)

Examples of brand-unsafe events include content that promotes hate, violence or discrimination, coarse language, content that is sexually suggestive or explicit, etc.

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?brand_unsafe.exclude=true

cancelled.* date range

The date range during which events were marked as cancelled in the system.

Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC). The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?cancelled.gte=2020-03-01&cancelled.lte=2020-03-15

Note when filtering on cancelled, events that are not cancelled will not be returned.

category string

A comma-separated list of categories.

Possible values:

  • academic

  • school-holidays

  • public-holidays

  • observances

  • politics

  • conferences

  • expos

  • concerts

  • festivals

  • performing-arts

  • sports

  • community

  • daylight-savings

  • airport-delays

  • severe-weather

  • disasters

  • terror

  • health-warnings

E.g. ?category=school-holidays,public-holidays

Take a look at the Event Categories page for an overview of the different categories.

country string

A comma-separated list of country codes.

E.g. ?country=AU,NZ

deleted_reason string

A comma-separated list of deleted reasons for the events.

Possible values:

  • cancelled

  • invalid

  • duplicate

  • postponed

E.g. ?deleted_reason=cancelled,duplicate

end.* date range

The date range during which events end.

Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC). The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?end.gte=2018-12-19&end.lte=2018-12-19

end_around.* date around

Fuzzy date search around event end. Supports origin, offset, scale, decay suffixes.

  • origin: The date (required)

  • offset: The number of days from the origin before the score starts to decay (optional, defaults to 0d)

  • scale: Distance from origin +/- offset at which the score will equal the decay value (optional, defaults to 3d)

  • decay: Score value at the scale distance (optional, defaults to 0.5)

Can influence relevance.

E.g. ?end_around.origin=2018-12-19 string

A comma-separated list of entity identifiers.

E.g. ?

first_seen date range

The date range during which events are first seen in the system.

Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC).

The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?first_seen.gte=2020-11-30

id string

A comma-separated list of event identifiers.

E.g. ?id=z13B3870YOgv

label string

A comma-separated list of labels. Please note that all event labels are lowercase and that the search is case sensitive.

E.g. ?label=holiday,observance

Supports op suffix to indicate whether to match labels using a logical AND.

E.g. ?label=holiday,observance&label.op=all

available values
  • academic

  • academic-session

  • agriculture

  • air-quality

  • airport

  • american-football

  • animal

  • architecture

  • arson

  • ashfall

  • assassination

  • attack

  • attraction

  • australian-football

  • auto-racing

  • automotive

  • autumn-holiday

  • avalanche

  • badminton

  • bars-closed

  • bars-open

  • baseball

  • basketball

  • bicycle

  • biological-hazard

  • blizzard

  • bombing

  • boxing

  • business

  • campus

  • career

  • chemical

  • chemical-accident

  • christmas-holiday

  • civil

  • climate-change

  • closed-doors

  • clothing

  • club

  • coastal-event

  • cold-wave

  • comedy

  • comic

  • community

  • concert

  • conference

  • construction

  • corporate

  • course

  • craft

  • cricket

  • cyclone

  • daylight-savings

  • debates

  • delay

  • design

  • digital

  • disaster

  • disaster-warning

  • drought

  • dust

  • earthquake

  • easter-holiday

  • education

  • election

  • entertainment

  • entertainment-closed

  • entertainment-open

  • environment

  • environment-pollution

  • epidemic

  • epidemic-hazard

  • esports

  • estimated

  • exam

  • execution

  • explosion

  • expo

  • extreme-weather

  • f1

  • family

  • fashion

  • festival

  • fighting

  • fire

  • flood

  • fog

  • food

  • football

  • fundraiser

  • furniture

  • gaming

  • golf

  • graduation

  • gymnastics

  • hail

  • hazardous-surf

  • hazmat

  • health

  • health-warning

  • heat-wave

  • hijacking

  • hockey

  • holiday

  • holiday-christian

  • holiday-hebrew

  • holiday-hindu

  • holiday-local

  • holiday-local-common

  • holiday-muslim

  • holiday-national

  • holiday-observed

  • holiday-orthodox

  • holiday-religious

  • horse-racing

  • horticulture

  • hostage-crisis

  • household

  • hurricane

  • hybrid-session

  • ice-hockey

  • in-person-session

  • industrial

  • indycar

  • instrument

  • ironman

  • jewelry

  • landslide

  • local-market

  • lockdown

  • lpga

  • marathon

  • marine

  • mass-shooting

  • medical

  • mineral

  • minor-league

  • mlb

  • mls

  • mma

  • monster-truck

  • motocross

  • motogp

  • movie

  • music

  • nascar

  • natural

  • nba

  • nba-gleague

  • ncaa

  • nfl

  • nhl

  • nuclear

  • nursing

  • observance

  • observance-local

  • observance-season

  • observance-united-nations

  • observance-worldwide

  • office

  • olympic

  • online-session

  • outdoor

  • packaging

  • paper

  • parade

  • parliament

  • performing-arts

  • personal-care-closed

  • personal-care-open

  • pet

  • pga

  • plastic

  • politics

  • president

  • print

  • product

  • rain

  • rallies

  • real-estate

  • recreation-closed

  • recreation-open

  • referendum

  • religion

  • research-development

  • restaurant-closed

  • restaurant-open

  • retail-closed

  • retail-open

  • rodeo

  • rugby

  • running

  • sales

  • sand

  • school

  • science

  • seminar

  • shooting

  • skating

  • snow

  • soccer

  • social

  • space

  • sport

  • spring-holiday

  • stabbing

  • storm

  • storm-surge

  • summer-holiday

  • suspected-attack

  • suspected-bombing

  • table-tennis

  • technology

  • tennis

  • terror

  • thanksgiving-holiday

  • thunderstorm

  • tool

  • tornado

  • tourism

  • training

  • transportation

  • travel

  • triathlon

  • tropical-storm

  • tsunami

  • typhoon

  • vehicle-accident

  • volcano

  • volleyball

  • weather

  • weather-warning

  • wedding

  • wildfire

  • wind

  • winter-holiday

  • wnba

  • worship-closed

  • worship-open

  • wrestling

  • wwe

  • youth-sport

You can also use the count endpoint to fetch a list of available labels.

limit number

The maximum number of results to return per page. The default limit is 10.

E.g. ?limit=10

local_rank.* rank range

Supports gt, gte, lt and lte suffixes.

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

Note when filtering on local_rank events that do not have a local_rank will not be returned.

E.g. ?local_rank.gte=80&local_rank.lte=90

local_rank_level number

A comma-separated list of numbers between 1 and 5, corresponding to the PredictHQ local rank levels.

Possible values:

  • 1 - Minor (rank between 0 and 20).

  • 2 - Moderate (rank between 21 and 40).

  • 3 - Important (rank between 41 and 60).

  • 4 - Significant (rank between 61 and 80).

  • 5 - Major (rank between 81 and 100).

Note when filtering on local_rank_level events that do not have a local_rank will not be returned.

E.g. ?local_rank_level=4,5

location_around.* location around

Fuzzy location search around event location.

Please note this affects the relevance value and does not restrict search results to the specified latitude/longitude and offset. Read more in the Relevance guide and combine with the within parameter to restrict results to a specified latitude/longitude and radius.

Supports origin, offset, scale, decay suffixes.

  • origin: The location in the form {latitude},{longitude} (required)

  • offset: The distance before decay is applied (optional, defaults to 0km)(Distance unit can be one of m, km, ft, mi)

  • scale: Distance from origin + offset at which the score will equal decay value (optional, defaults to 2km) (Distance unit can be one of m, km, ft, mi)

  • decay: Score value at scale value (optional, defaults to 0.5)

E.g. ?location_around.origin=40.730610,-73.935242

location_confidence_score.* number range

Supports gt, gte, lt and lte suffixes.

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

A unique attribute to Predicted Events that were generated from analyzing sets of recurring events. The score ranges from 1 to 5, representing the event’s propensity to change location with each recurrence. Higher scores indicate a higher consistency in location, while lower scores indicate the event’s location is more likely to shift once additional details become available.

E.g. ?location_confidence_score.gte=3&location_confidence_score.lte=5

offset number

The number of results to skip. The default is 0.

E.g. ?offset=20


Whether or not to include parent events / exclude child events. Note that Child events are those events that have a link to a parent event. Parent events are all the other events, whether they have children or not.

See the documentation on umbrella events for more information on parent and child events. Currently supports the include suffix. include: Whether or not to include parent events in the response (required, valid options are true, false or only)

  • true: include parent events (default behaviour)

  • false: exclude parent events - this will return child events only

  • only: only fetch parent events (exclude child events)

Default value: true. Please note that use of a suffix is required. E.g. ?parent.include=false

phq_attendance.* number range

Supports gt, gte, lt and lte suffixes.

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?phq_attendance.gte=2000&phq_attendance.lte=10000

phq_label.* string

PHQ Labels leverage newer generation LLMs and classifier models. Currently available for conferences, expos, festivals, community and performing-arts. Legacy labels are available in a separate field to preserve backwards compatibility. A comma-separated list of PHQ Labels. Please note that all PHQ Labels are lowercase and that the search is case sensitive. Supports exclude suffix to get events without certain PHQ Labels and can be used without suffix for getting events with certain phq labels.

E.g. ?phq_label.exclude=lifestyle&phq_label=agriculture-forestry-and-fisheries,food-and-beverage

As with legacy labels, PHQ Labels support the op suffix to indicate whether to match or exclude PHQ Labels using a logical AND.

E.g. ?phq_label.exclude=lifestyle&phq_label=agriculture-forestry-and-fisheries,food-and-beverage&phq_label.op=all&phq_label.exclude.op=all

Take a look at PHQ Label Values to get a list of possible values to use within phq_label.* .

place.* place

A comma-separated list of place ids (see Places) and/or IATA (3 character), ICAO (4 character), and UN/LOCODE (5 character) airport codes where the events occur. Supports scope or exact suffixes.

A CSV file of all supported airport codes and their respective place ids is available to download.

When place.scope is used, results will contain events that apply to the parent and children places of the specified place. E.g. National, regional and local school holidays that apply to a region. When place.exact is used, results will contain events that apply to the specified place only.E.g. Regional school holidays only. Please note that use of a suffix is required.


  • all events that apply to the State of New York: ?place.scope=5128638

  • all events that apply to the place associated with San Francisco Airport: ?place.scope=SFO

placekey string

A comma-separated list of Placekeys (See Returns events that have a Placekey value matching this filter.

There are 2 parts to a Placekey: what@where

  • What:Contains 2 part in the form {address}-{POI}.

    • The first part represents an address.

    • The second part represents a Point Of Interest (E.g. named venue). This will be missing on locations that only have addresses

  • Where: An H3 hexagon index(resolution 10) of the event.

This filter supports entering a full Placekey to match events having that specific Placekey or a partial Placekey (such as just the @where part) to perform a partial match on Placekey. You can use the following Placekey format in this filter:

  • {address}-{poi}@{where} - only returns events with a full matching placekey (an exact match)

  • {address}@{where} - matches events where the the address and where part match (even if poi is different)

  • @{where} - matches events for which the @Where part matches, ignores the {address}-{poi} parts. You can perform a partial match on the @Where part to find nearby events. The minimum amount of characters that can be matched on is 5. See using Placekey for more details.

Note that Placekey applies to our attended event categories. Some events do not contain a Placekey. E.g.?placekey=225@63j-rqb-j7q,@627-s8j-z2k

postponed.* date range

The date range during which events were marked as postponed in the system.

Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC). The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?postponed.gte=2020-03-01&postponed.lte=2020-03-15

Note when filtering on postponed, events that are not postponed will not be returned.

predicted_end.* date range

The date range during which events are predicted to end.

Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC). The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?predicted_end.gte=2018-12-19&predicted_end.lte=2018-12-19

Note when filtering on predicted_end, events that do not have a predicted_end will not be returned.

predicted_event_spend.* number range

The Predicted Event Spend across all supported industries for an event in USD. Supports gt, gte, lt and lte suffixes.

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

Note: When using this filter events that do not have a predicted_event_spend will not be returned.

E.g. ?predicted_event_spend.gte=80000&predicted_event_spend.lte=200000

predicted_event_spend_industry.* number range

The Predicted Event Spend for a given industry in USD. Supported industries:

  • accommodation

  • hospitality

  • transportation

The format of this parameter name is:


Supports gt, gte, lt and lte suffixes.

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

Note: When using this filter events that do not have a predicted_event_spend will not be returned.

E.g. predicted_event_spend_industry.accommodation.gte=80000&predicted_event_spend_industry.accommodation.lte=200000

q string

A full-text search query.

Can influence relevance.

E.g. ?q=katy+perry

rank.* rank range

Supports gt, gte, lt and lte suffixes.

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?rank.gte=80&rank.lte=90

rank_level number

A comma-separated list of numbers between 1 and 5, corresponding to the PredictHQ rank levels.

Possible values:

  • 1 - Minor (rank between 0 and 20).

  • 2 - Moderate (rank between 21 and 40).

  • 3 - Important (rank between 41 and 60).

  • 4 - Significant (rank between 61 and 80).

  • 5 - Major (rank between 81 and 100).

E.g. ?rank_level=4,5

relevance string

A comma-separated list of components to include when calculating the relevance field of an event.The relevance components are multiplied together to produce the overall relevance.

Parameter Components: These components correspond to search parameters that can influence relevance. If the parameter isn't provided as part of a search its component will be ignored.By default, relevance includes the components of each relevance-influencing parameter in a search.

  • q

  • start_around

  • end_around

  • location_around

Field Components: These components correspond to event fields that can be included in relevance. They are not included in relevance by default.

  • rank

  • local_rank

E.g. ?relevance=q,rank,location_around

saved_location.location_id string

A comma-separated list of saved location identifiers. Up to a maximum of 20 identifiers. This filters the events returned to events within the locations specified. See the Saved Locations API for more details on getting location IDs for a location.

E.g. ?saved_location.location_id=sFlb8HlsLa1j-S4UDEMEkQ

sort string

A comma-separated list of fields to sort results by. The default is relevance,-start. Prefix the field name with - for reverse order.

Possible values:

  • id

  • title

  • start

  • end

  • first_seen

  • predicted_end

  • updated

  • rank

  • local_rank

  • phq_attendance

  • category

  • duration

  • country

  • labels

  • relevance

  • predicted_event_spend

  • predicted_event_spend_industry.accommodation

  • predicted_event_spend_industry.hospitality

  • predicted_event_spend_industry.transportation

Note when sorting on predicted_endor local_rank (regardless of sort order), events that do not have a predicted_end, local_rank will be placed last. When sorting by relevance the most relevant results are sorted first, regardless of sort order.

E.g. ?sort=country,-start

start.* date range

The date range during which events start.

Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC). The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?start.gte=2018-12-19&start.lte=2018-12-19

start_around.* date around

Fuzzy date search around event start. Supports origin, offset, scale, decay suffixes.

  • origin: The date (required)

  • offset: The number of days from the origin before the score starts to decay (optional, defaults to 0d)

  • scale: Distance from origin +/- offset at which the score will equal the decay value (optional, defaults to 3d)

  • decay: Score value at the scale distance (optional, defaults to 0.5)

Can influence relevance.

E.g. ?start_around.origin=2018-12-19

start_date_confidence_score.* number range

Supports gt, gte, lt and lte suffixes.

Please note that use of a suffix is required.

A unique attribute to Predicted Events that were generated from analyzing sets of recurring events. The score ranges from 1 to 5, representing the event’s consistency in being held around the same date with each recurrence. Higher scores indicate the event is held at mostly the same date each year, while lower scores indicate a greater variation in start date, meaning that details are more likely to change as new details become available.

E.g. ?start_date_confidence_score.gte=3&start_date_confidence_score.lte=5

state string

A comma-separated list of states for the events. Supports active, deleted and predicted. By default, returns active events only. This parameter is useful in conjunction with updated when you cache events and are interested in retrieving a list of all events that have changed since a specific date and time. E.g. ?state=active,deleted

updated.* date range

The date range during which events were last modified.

Supports gt, gte, lt, lte and tz suffixes. tz is time zone in TZ Database format (default is UTC). The accepted format for this parameter is either YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss Please note that use of a suffix is required.

E.g. ?updated.gte=2018-05-01T09:55:00Z

within area

A geo center and radius in the form {radius}{unit}@{latitude},{longitude}, where the radius unit can be one of: meters m, kilometers km, feet ft, miles mi. When using the units of km and mi you can enter whole numbers or floats e.g. 5mi, 1.5km or 1.2mi. When using the units ft or m you need to enter whole numbers (you cannot enter a fraction of a meter or foot). Note that results may contain events that apply to a parent scope of the specified area. Note that it can be difficult working out a suitable radius around your location so to make it easier please use our Suggested Radius API. E.g. National school holidays that apply to the local radius. E.g. ?within=2.5mi@-36.844480,174.768368 or ?within=2750m@-36.844480,174.768368

Mapping File

Below is a CSV of all supported airport codes and their respective place_id.


Response Fields


cancelled string, null

The date the event was set to cancelled in the system in ISO 8601 format. All dates are in UTC. This field will only be present for events with deleted_reason set to cancelled, and will have a null value if cancelled date is not available. E.g. 2018-12-19T10:00:00Z

category string

The category of the event Possible values:

  • academic

  • school-holidays

  • public-holidays

  • observances

  • politics

  • conferences

  • expos

  • concerts

  • festivals

  • performing-arts

  • sports

  • community

  • daylight-savings

  • airport-delays

  • severe-weather

  • disasters

  • terror

  • health-warnings

E.g. concerts

country string

The country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. Note that the country value will usually be present but in some cases where the event location is not within a country (e.g. an earthquake in the middle of the ocean) it can be empty. E.g. NZ

deleted_reason string

The reason why the event was deleted. Note that this field is only present for events with state deleted. Possible values:

  • cancelled

  • duplicate

  • invalid

  • postponed

E.g. duplicate

description string

A description of the event. E.g. See Katy Perry in concert [...]

duplicate_of_id string

The id of the active event this event is a duplicate of. Note that this field is only present for deleted events with deleted_reason set to duplicate. E.g. z13B3870YOgv

duration number

The duration of the event in seconds. E.g. 3600

end string

The end date of the event in ISO 8601 format. All end dates are in UTC if the event time zone is provided, and in local time otherwise. For example, Independence Day falls on the 4th of July regardless of the time zone, and will have a null time zone. E.g. 2018-12-19T10:00:00Z

end_local string

The local time end date of the event in ISO 8601 format. end_local is the date time in the event's location.

The end field is in UTC and end_local is in the local time in the timezone at the events location. E.g. 2018-12-19T10:00:00

entities array

An array of Entities linked to the event. Possible types:

  • event-group - is an entity that logically groups a set of events. There are different event-group Entities which are differentiated by their labels:

    • recurring - is an event-group that has an associated label of recurring. It identifies events that repeat based on a given time interval - more info.

    • residency - is an event-group that has an associated label of residency. It identifies concert events for a given artist(s) at a particular venue over a particular period - more info

  • venue

E.g. Recurring event-group Entity:

    "entity_id": "39yXYp4LvTW8TicddxHSiXw",
    "type": "event-group",
    "labels": ["recurring"],
    "name": "Underwood Family Farms Fall Harvest Festival",
    "recurring": {

E.g. Residency event-group Entity:

    "entity_id": "fx5IMIphsUX7yoJ9X7PktQ",
    "type": "event-group",
    "labels": ["residency"],
    "name": "Taylor Swift at Anfield"

E.g. Venue Entity:

    "entity_id": "328DxFUbRKvaiJJGyT2gReF",
    "type": "venue",
    "name": "Spark Arena",
    "formatted_address": "Mahuhu Crescent\nAuckland 1010\nNew Zealand"

first_seen string, null

The date the event first entered our dataset in ISO 8601 format. All dates are in UTC. This value may be missing on some events, and should not be considered an event announcement date. E.g. 2017-12-19T06:00:00Z

id string

The unique identifier of the event. E.g. z13B3870YOgv

impact_patterns array

Also known as “Demand impact patterns”. This field shows the impact for leading days (days before the event), lagging days (days after an event), and the days the event occurs. See Impact Patternsfor more details. impact_patterns is an array of impact pattern objects. The same event can have different impact patterns for different industry verticals. It contains the following fields:

  • vertical - The industry vertical the impact pattern applies to.

  • impact_type - Indicates the type of impact shown in the impact pattern. Currently, the supported types are phq_rank and phq_attendance. If the impact_type is phq_rank then the impact values shown per day reflect phq_rank values. If impact_type is phq_attendance then the impact values per day reflect phq_attendance which is the estimated amount of people attending the event per day.

impacts is an array of objects with one entry for each day that contains the following values:

  • date_local - the date in the local timezone of the event.

  • value - the value of the impact_type for that given day. For example, if the impact_type was phq_rank the value would be the PHQ Rank value on the given day. Otherwise, it will reflect phq_attendance

  • position - can be leading, event_day or lagging. leading are the days before the event occurs, event_day are the days the event occurs and lagging are the days after the event has occurred.

The example below is based on an impact_type of phq_rank for severe weather events.

    "date_local": "2022-01-08",
    "value": 10,
    "position": "leading"
    "date_local": "2022-01-09",
    "value": 21,
    "position": "event_day"

labels array

The labels associated with the event. E.g. ["holiday", "holiday-national"]

possible labels
  • academic

  • academic-session

  • agriculture

  • air-quality

  • airport

  • american-football

  • animal

  • architecture

  • arson

  • ashfall

  • assassination

  • attack

  • attraction

  • australian-football

  • auto-racing

  • automotive

  • autumn-holiday

  • avalanche

  • badminton

  • bars-closed

  • bars-open

  • baseball

  • basketball

  • bicycle

  • biological-hazard

  • blizzard

  • bombing

  • boxing

  • business

  • campus

  • career

  • chemical

  • chemical-accident

  • christmas-holiday

  • civil

  • climate-change

  • closed-doors

  • clothing

  • club

  • coastal-event

  • cold-wave

  • comedy

  • comic

  • community

  • concert

  • conference

  • construction

  • corporate

  • course

  • craft

  • cricket

  • cyclone

  • daylight-savings

  • debates

  • delay

  • design

  • digital

  • disaster

  • disaster-warning

  • drought

  • dust

  • earthquake

  • easter-holiday

  • education

  • election

  • entertainment

  • entertainment-closed

  • entertainment-open

  • environment

  • environment-pollution

  • epidemic

  • epidemic-hazard

  • esports

  • estimated

  • exam

  • execution

  • explosion

  • expo

  • extreme-weather

  • f1

  • family

  • fashion

  • festival

  • fighting

  • fire

  • flood

  • fog

  • food

  • football

  • fundraiser

  • furniture

  • gaming

  • golf

  • graduation

  • gymnastics

  • hail

  • hazardous-surf

  • hazmat

  • health

  • health-warning

  • heat-wave

  • hijacking

  • hockey

  • holiday

  • holiday-christian

  • holiday-hebrew

  • holiday-hindu

  • holiday-local

  • holiday-local-common

  • holiday-muslim

  • holiday-national

  • holiday-observed

  • holiday-orthodox

  • holiday-religious

  • horse-racing

  • horticulture

  • hostage-crisis

  • household

  • hurricane

  • hybrid-session

  • ice-hockey

  • in-person-session

  • industrial

  • indycar

  • instrument

  • ironman

  • jewelry

  • landslide

  • local-market

  • lockdown

  • lpga

  • marathon

  • marine

  • mass-shooting

  • medical

  • mineral

  • minor-league

  • mlb

  • mls

  • mma

  • monster-truck

  • motocross

  • motogp

  • movie

  • music

  • nascar

  • natural

  • nba

  • nba-gleague

  • ncaa

  • nfl

  • nhl

  • nuclear

  • nursing

  • observance

  • observance-local

  • observance-season

  • observance-united-nations

  • observance-worldwide

  • office

  • olympic

  • online-session

  • outdoor

  • packaging

  • paper

  • parade

  • parliament

  • performing-arts

  • personal-care-closed

  • personal-care-open

  • pet

  • pga

  • plastic

  • politics

  • president

  • print

  • product

  • rain

  • rallies

  • real-estate

  • recreation-closed

  • recreation-open

  • referendum

  • religion

  • research-development

  • restaurant-closed

  • restaurant-open

  • retail-closed

  • retail-open

  • rodeo

  • rugby

  • running

  • sales

  • sand

  • school

  • science

  • seminar

  • shooting

  • skating

  • snow

  • soccer

  • social

  • space

  • sport

  • spring-holiday

  • stabbing

  • storm

  • storm-surge

  • summer-holiday

  • suspected-attack

  • suspected-bombing

  • table-tennis

  • technology

  • tennis

  • terror

  • thanksgiving-holiday

  • thunderstorm

  • tool

  • tornado

  • tourism

  • training

  • transportation

  • travel

  • triathlon

  • tropical-storm

  • tsunami

  • typhoon

  • vehicle-accident

  • volcano

  • volleyball

  • weather

  • weather-warning

  • wedding

  • wildfire

  • wind

  • winter-holiday

  • wnba

  • worship-closed

  • worship-open

  • wrestling

  • wwe

  • youth-sport

You can also use the count endpoint to fetch a list of available labels.

local_rank number, null

Similar to PHQ Rank, this is a log scale numerical value between 0 and 100 with a five-level hierarchical impact schema. It is designed to represent the potential impact of an event on its local geographical area. Local Rank is calculated for events in the categories community, concerts, conferences, expos, sports, festivals, performing-arts. If local_rank is not intended to be available for an event, this field will be null. E.g. 72

location array

A 2-tuple representing the geo location of the event. Note that the longitude/latitude coordinates use the GeoJSON order [lon, lat]. E.g. [174.776792, -36.847319]

location_confidence_score number

The Predicted Event location confidence score.

geo object

An object containing the geographic information about an event. This field will be used in future instead of the location field (the location field will remain in the current version of the API but could be removed in future versions). This field has two subfield: geometry, which represents the geometry associated with the event in the GeoJSON format, and address, which include the detailed address information (see more here).

address subfield

  • locality (optional) - indicates the city or town the event occurs in

  • country_code (required) - 2 letter country code

  • formatted_address (optional) - a fully formatted address which can include street address, locality, postcode, region and country

  • postcode (optional)

  • region (optional) - the region or state at which the event takes place

geometry subfield

Possible geometry.type:

  • Point

  • Polygon

  • MultiPolygon


  "geometry": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [174.776792, -36.847319]
  "address": {
    "locality": "Auckland",
    "country_code": "NZ",

parent_event object

Used to indicate if this event is part of a larger event. These types of events are called umbrella events in the system. For example, a large multi-day parent umbrella event may have individual child events for sessions on different days. For example the Formula 1 2019 United States Grand Prix has child events for the qualification, 3 practice events, a concert that occurs at the Grand Prix, and the actual race events (there are 12 child events). See umbrella events for details on this field and details on what umbrella events are. Note that this field in this release only shows if a child event has a parent id. It does not indicate if a parent event has child events.


  "parent_event": {
    "parent_event_id": "w7dYyrFwTUQGYE6euv"

phq_attendance number

A numerical value that reflects the predicted attendance number for supported attendance-based categories. The following categories are supported: concerts, performing arts, sports, expos, conferences, community and festivals. phq_attendance reflects the entire attendance for multi-day events (the number of people attending across the full duration of the event) except for some categories like conferences where it is the daily attendance. See Handling multi-day and Umbrella events for more details. E.g. 2511

phq_labels array

An array of objects which contains the PHQ Labels associated to an event as well as the weight that they contribute to the event. Weights from all labels should sum up to 1. PHQ Labels leverage newer generation LLMs and classifier models. Currently available for conferences, expos, festivals, community and performing-arts categories. Legacy labels are available in a separate field to preserve backwards compatibility.


    "label": "agriculture-forestry-and-fisheries",
    "weight": 0.376
    "label": "food-and-beverage",
    "weight": 0.263
    "label": "art-and-cultural",
    "weight": 0.186
    "label": "science-and-technology",
    "weight": 0.175

Take a look at PHQ Label Values to see a list of possible values that could be in phq_labels.label.

place_hierarchies array

An array of place hierarchies for the event. Each hierarchy is an array of place ids (see Places). The final place in a hierarchy is a specific place the event applies to. Each place is a sub-place of the place immediately preceding it in the hierarchy. For example, a hierarchy might contain the following places in this order: Earth > Europe > United Kingdom > England > Nottingham Note that the place_hierarchies value can be an empty array in some cases.



placekey string

The Placekey (See reflects the location of an event in the format what@where. Placekey is part of the geo field for an event. Possible formats

  • {address}-{poi}@{where}

  • {address)@{where}

  • @where

E.g. 222-229@8t2-fgc-z2k or @7f7-mcy-ndv Note that Placekey applies to our attended event categories. Some events do not contain a Placekey.

postponed string, null

The date the event was set to postponed in the system in ISO 8601 format. All dates are in UTC. This field will only be present for events with deleted_reason set to postponed, and will have a null value if postponed date is not available. E.g. 2018-12-19T10:00:00Z

predicted_end string

The predicted end date of the event in ISO 8601 format. Predicted end dates are in UTC if the event time zone is provided, and in local time otherwise. For example, Independence Day falls on the 4th of July regardless of the time zone, and will have a null time zone. This field will only be present if an actual end time is not available for an event and we have a predicted end time. E.g. 2018-12-19T10:00:00Z

predicted_end_local string

The local time predicted end date of the event in ISO 8601 format. predicted_end_local is the date time in the event's location.

The predicted_end field is in UTC and predicted_end_local is in the local time in the time zone at the location of the event. This field will only be present if an actual end time is not available for an event and we have a predicted end time. E.g. 2018-12-19T10:00:00

predicted_event_spend number

The total Predicted Event Spend across all supported industries for an event in USD. This figure represents the consumer spend impact on local businesses that the event is predicted to generate. E.g. 11806680

predicted_event_spend_industries object

The Predicted Event Spend for each supported industry in USD.

Possible industries:

  • accommodation - The consumer spend predicted to be attributed to hotels and hosts.

  • hospitality - The consumer spend predicted to be attributed to food and beverage.

  • transportation - The consumer spend predicted to be attributed to ground-based transportation as a means of getting to and from the event.


  "predicted_event_spend_industries": {
    "accommodation": 5016960,
    "hospitality": 4924000,
    "transportation": 1865720

rank number

A log scale numerical value between 0 and 100 with a five-level hierarchical impact schema. It is designed to represent the potential impact of an event independent of its geographical location. E.g. 83

relevance number, null

Relative relevance of the event to the event search.

See the relevance parameter for information on how relevance is calculated.

E.g. 2.9654586

scope string

The geographical scope the events apply to. Possible values:

  • locality

  • localadmin

  • county

  • region

  • country

E.g. locality

start string

The start date of the event in ISO 8601 format. All start dates are in UTC if the event time zone is provided, and in local time otherwise. For example, Independence Day falls on the 4th of July regardless of the time zone, and will have a null time zone. If an event has a start time of midnight (in the event time zone) this is an indication that the actual time may be unknown. You may wish to omit the time when displaying these events. E.g. 2018-12-19T06:00:00Z

start_local string

The local start date and time of the event in ISO 8601 format. start_local is the date time in the event's location.

The start field is in UTC and start_local is in the local time in the timezone at the event location. E.g. 2018-12-19T10:00:00

start_date_confidence_score number

The Predicted Event start date confidence score.

state string

The publication state of the event. Possible values:

  • active: the event is published and valid.

  • deleted: the event was removed, either because it was cancelled or is a duplicate.

  • predicted: events that have an unconfirmed start time i.e for which the exact time the event begins is not yet known.

timezone string, null

The time zone of the event in TZ Database format. This is helpful so you know which time zone to convert the dates to (if needed). If the time zone is null, the start and end date should be regarded as time zone agnostic and already being in local time. Our start and end filters take this into account when specifying a lower and higher bound on dates. E.g. Pacific/Auckland

title string

The title of the event. E.g. Katy Perry

updated string

The last modification date of the event in ISO 8601 format. All dates are in UTC. E.g. 2018-05-01T05:00:00Z

JSON Schema

Example response

Below is an example of a single result.

  "count": 1,
  "overflow": false,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "relevance": 0.0,
      "id": "5uRg7CqGu7DTtu4Rfk",
      "parent_event": {
        "parent_event_id": "w7dYyrFwTUQGYE6euv"
      "title": "Formula 1 2019 - United States Grand Prix 2019 - Race",
      "description": "The 2019 United States Grand Prix (officially known as the Formula 1 Emirates United States Grand Prix 2019) was a Formula One motor race held on 3 November 2019 at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas, United States. The race was the 19th round of the 2019 Formula One World Championship (1 - 3 Nov) and marked the 49th running of the United States Grand Prix.",
      "category": "sports",
      "labels": [
      "rank": 92,
      "local_rank": 100,
      "phq_attendance": 120000,
      "entities": [
          "entity_id": "dh6tCwHCRjZUNmzaviVw5g",
          "name": "Carlos Sainz Jr",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "fqGj7EdaKsDPGFUgsYhYWq",
          "name": "Kevin Magnussen",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "e5rtDESKg4fLpHzmTcdAxy",
          "name": "Alexander Albon",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "DtXbSrLe9Mb9BQfjzt8q3Q",
          "name": "Sergio Perez",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "32wsZ6AhQTmehuPV9KwqgCY",
          "name": "Lewis Hamilton",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "hdqmJpv6pbCNT5RMLjiQr8",
          "name": "Lando Norris",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "dXA6AvcgEg7W5SJdjcgAAG",
          "name": "Lance Stroll",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "sn3aet9XXYWPu2RmNMVsAG",
          "name": "Daniil Kvyat",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "hKiTqaaffAzV4wGntE6LH8",
          "name": "Robert Kubica",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "eG36WTqRtMwvjHM7SLHwiG",
          "name": "Antonio Giovinazzi",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "JpFCtMes9vVbXxKduZ9jTd",
          "name": "Nicholas Latifi",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "fS2HcqsbnzuCtXgUqch6Py",
          "name": "Max Verstappen",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "dMezEeCcEa9T7RscX4aBmg",
          "name": "Valtteri Bottas",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "DhfPt6zSSUjUrWWfCpukkY",
          "name": "Sebastian Vettel",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "fdX7zyHMKYjAjJhSKhAvaG",
          "name": "Charles Leclerc",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "XS7dVfwZBETRejm7en3Adg",
          "name": "Pierre Gasly",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "33RfRSKSNRfuAzAYWEV8mR8",
          "name": "George Russell",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "e5rv77Gws6cKNCmJra5VFy",
          "name": "Daniel Ricciardo",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "7NT7S5KqiwqdKZiwsydzz8",
          "name": "Nico Hulkenberg",
          "type": "person"
          "entity_id": "MasUgUJtWz3kQFVgCG6rJU",
          "name": "Circuit of the Americas",
          "type": "venue",
          "formatted_address": "9201 Circuit of the Americas Boulevard, Austin, TX 78617, United States of America"
      "duration": 7200,
      "start": "2019-11-03T19:10:00Z",
      "end": "2019-11-03T21:10:00Z",
      "updated": "2023-06-02T16:21:48Z",
      "first_seen": "2019-07-04T22:14:31Z",
      "timezone": "America/Chicago",
      "location": [
      "geo": {
         "geometry": {
             "coordinates": [
             "type": "Point"
         "placekey": "@8t2-fgg-dqf",
         "address": {
             "country_code": "US",
             "formatted_address": "9201 Circuit of the Americas Boulevard, Austin, TX 78617, United States of America",
             "postcode": "78617",
             "locality": "Austin",
             "region": "Texas"
      "scope": "locality",
      "country": "US",
      "place_hierarchies": [
      "state": "active",
      "private": false,
      "predicted_event_spend": 11806680,
      "predicted_event_spend_industries": {
        "accommodation": 5016960,
        "hospitality": 4924000,
        "transportation": 1865720


curl -X GET "" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


Below are some guides relevant to this API:

Last updated

© 2024 PredictHQ Ltd