Search Broadcasts

Search for Live TV broadcasts happening in a location.

Results are limited by your subscription

Please note that you will not receive an error when requesting a date range or location that is outside of your subscription settings.

This is sometimes confused with missing data. If you're not seeing the results you expect to see then please ensure your subscription covers the location or time period you're searching for.

Your subscription settings can be viewed in Control Center.


HTTP Request


Query Parameters



Find broadcasts by unique identifier. Multiple values are accepted as a comma-separated list.

E.g. ?broadcast_id=tFk2LbcpzgeuLXw8dKWa3J


Find broadcasts by broadcast status. Multiple values are accepted as a comma-separated list.

Possible values:

  • scheduled

  • predicted

  • cancelled

E.g. ?broadcast_status=scheduled


Find broadcasts by their physical event’s category.

Possible values:

  • sports

E.g. ?event.category=sports


E.g. ?event.event_id=svbfg9xT4YSVUeeAKp


This parameter can be used to filter broadcasts by team, e.g. ?event.entity_id=GduZL2z24phJQni4ktERGw to retrieve the Los Angeles Lakers broadcasts, or by venue, e.g. ?event.entity_id=qSpch2mYLDa4iygkMdMPYu to retrieve the broadcasts related to a physical game happening at the STAPLES center.

E.g. ?event.entity_id=GduZL2z24phJQni4ktERGw


Find broadcasts by their physical event’s labels. Multiple values are accepted as a comma-separated list.

Where multiple labels are provided, broadcasts which match any of the labels are returned.

Please note that all event labels are lowercase and that the search is case sensitive.

E.g. ?event.label=nfl,nba


Find broadcasts by the time they were seen for the first time. Supported suffixes are:

  • gt: greater than.

  • gte: greater than or equal to.

  • lt: less than.

  • lte: less than or equal to.

The format of first_seen times for this parameter is YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

E.g. ?first_seen.gte=2020-11-30


The maximum number of results to return per page. The default limit is 10. The maximum limit is 500.

E.g. ?limit=50


Find broadcasts by their location's place_id. Multiple values are accepted as a comma-separated list.

  • If the place_id of a county is specified, broadcasts in that county will be returned.

  • If the place_id of a state (region) is specified, broadcasts in all the counties within that state will be returned. US states have the place type region.E.g. If you specify location.place_id=5332921 (California), results will contain broadcasts for all counties in California.

  • For places below the county level, broadcasts in the county that the place belongs to will be returned. E.g. If you specify location.place_id=5327684 (Berkeley), results will contain broadcasts for Alameda County; Berkeley is located within Alameda County. Some places below county level do not belong to a county, in this case, you can try using the location.origin param.

E.g. ?location.place_id=5391997,5128594,5379524,5129915


Find broadcasts in the county for the provided geopoint (a latitude and longitude coordinate). The format of the geopoint is {latitude},{longitude}.

The Broadcasts API returns broadcasts at the county level. When you specify a geopoint using location.origin the API returns broadcasts for the county the specified geopoint is within.

If you specify a geopoint within Los Angeles County then broadcasts for Los Angeles County will be returned.

E.g. ?location.origin=40.730610,-73.935242


The number of results to skip.

The default is 0.

E.g. ?offset=10


Find broadcasts by their PHQ Viewership number.

Supported suffixes are:

  • gt: greater than.

  • gte: greater than or equal to.

  • lt: less than.

  • lte: less than or equal to.

E.g. ?phq_viewership.gte=1000&phq_viewership.lte=500000


Find broadcasts by their record status. Multiple values are accepted as a comma-separated list.

Possible values:

  • active: the broadcast record is valid.

  • duplicate: the broadcast record is a duplicate of an active record.

  • deleted: the broadcast record is no longer valid.

The default is active.

E.g. ?record_status=deleted


Fields to order the results by. Multiple values are accepted as a comma-separated list.

The default is start, which means the broadcasts with the earliest start dates are listed first.

Possible values:*

  • start: dates.start ascending.

  • -start: dates.start descending.

  • phq_viewership: phq_viewership ascending.

  • -phq_viewership: phq_viewership descending.

  • updated: updated ascending.

  • -updated: updated descending.

  • first_seen: first_seen ascending.

  • -first_seen: first_seen descending.

E.g. ?sort=start,-updated


Find broadcasts by their start time.

Supported suffixes are:

  • gt: greater than.

  • gte: greater than or equal to.

  • lt: less than.

  • lte: less than or equal to.

The format of start times for this parameter is YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

E.g. ?start.gte=2020-11-01T05:30:00&


Find broadcasts by the time they were last updated. Supported suffixes are:

  • gt: greater than.

  • gte: greater than or equal to.

  • lt: less than.

  • lte: less than or equal to.

E.g. ?updated.gte=2020-11-30

Mapping File

Below is a CSV of broadcast counties. It contains the place_id and name of all counties and states in the US.


Response Fields

Below are the fields returned by the Broadcasts endpoint.


broadcast_id string

The unique identifier.

E.g. u5aCvebffuNFpGSGNQFiU4

broadcast_status string

The schedule status of the broadcast.

Possible values:

  • scheduled: the broadcast is scheduled to be televised.

  • predicted: the broadcast is predicted to be televised.

  • cancelled: the broadcast is no longer scheduled to be televised.

E.g. scheduled

dates object

The dates field contains details about the time of the broadcast. Fields in the dates object are described below.

dates.start string

The time the broadcast is scheduled to start, in UTC. In YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

E.g. 2018-01-01T17:00:00Z

dates.start_local string

The time the broadcast is scheduled to start in the time zone of the broadcast’s location. In YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss format.

E.g. 2018-01-01T12:00:00

dates.timezone string

E.g. America/New_York

duplicate_of_id string

The active record unique identifier the current broadcast is a duplicate of. Please note that this field is only present for records with record status duplicate.

E.g. u5aCvebffuNFpGSGNQFiU4

event object

The event field contains details about the physical event that is being televised in the broadcast. Fields in the event object are described below.

event.aviation_rank number

E.g. 100

event.category string

The category of the physical event.

E.g. sports

event.dates object

Details about the time of the physical event.


  • start: the start time of the physical event.

  • start_local: the start time in the physical event’s time zone.

  • end: the end time of the physical event.

  • end_local: the end time in the physical event’s time zone.

  • predicted_end_local: the time the physical event is predicted to end in the event's time zone.

  • timezone: the time zone of the physical event.


  "start": "2018-01-01T17:00:00Z",
  "end": "2018-01-01T20:43:26Z",
  "start_local": "2018-01-01T12:00:00",
  "end_local": "2018-01-01T15:43:26",
  "predicted_end_local": "2018-01-01T15:20:00",
  "timezone": "America/New_York"

event.entities array

Venue entities linked to the physical event.


    "entity_id": "wVgG7p8ZKRKEPPrNDq4my9",
    "type": "venue",
    "name": "Hard Rock Stadium",
    "formatted_address": "347 Don Shula Dr\nMiami Gardens, FL 33056\nUnited States of America"

event.event_id string

The unique identifier of the physical event. Events in the Broadcasts API have the same identifiers as those in the Events API.

E.g. svbfg9xT4YSVUeeAKp

event.labels array

The labels associated with the physical event.

E.g. ["american-football", "nfl", "sport"]

event.local_rank number

The Local Rank number of the physical event. Local Rank represents the physical event’s impact on its local geographical location.

E.g. 100

event.location object

Details about the location of the physical event.


  • country: the country code.

  • geopoint: the latitude and longitude coordinates.

  • place_hierarchies: place hierarchies of the physical event.


  "geopoint": {
    "lon": -80.23886040000002,
    "lat": 25.9579665
  "place_hierarchies": [
  "country": "US"

event.phq_attendance number

The number of people predicted to attend the physical event.

E.g. 65000

event.phq_rank number

The PHQ Rank number of the physical event. PHQ Rank represents the physical event’s impact independent of its geographical location.

E.g. 100

event.title string

The title of the physical event.

E.g. Super Bowl - 49ers vs Kansas City Chiefs

first_seen string

The time the broadcast was seen for the first time. In YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

E.g. 2020-11-30T06:58:28Z

location object

The location field contains details about where the broadcast is televised. Fields in the location object are described below. string

E.g. US

location.geopoint object

The latitude and longitude coordinates of the location where the broadcast is televised.


  "lon": -122.4425,
  "lat": 37.77823

location.place_hierarchies array

An array of place hierarchies for the location where the broadcast is televised. A broadcast record is only televised in one location.



location.places array

An array of place details for the place where the broadcast is televised. A broadcast record is only televised in one place. A place object has these fields:

  • place_id: id of the place.

  • type: the type of the place. Broadcasts are located at counties or county-equivalents.

  • name: the name of the place.

  • county: the name of the Place’s county. This is the same as the name if the Place is a county.

  • region: the name of the Place’s region. In the US, regions represent states or federal districts.


    "place_id": "5391997",
    "type": "county",
    "name": "San Francisco County",
    "county": "City and County of San Francisco",
    "region": "California",
    "country": "US"

phq_viewership number

The estimated number of people in the broadcast’s location that will watch the broadcast.

E.g. 300000

record_status string

The record status of the broadcast.

Possible values:

  • active: the broadcast record is valid.

  • duplicate: the broadcast record is a duplicate of an active record.

  • deleted: the broadcast record is no longer valid.

E.g. active

updated string

The time the broadcast was last updated. In YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

E.g. 2020-11-30T06:58:28Z

Example response

Below is an example response:

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "overflow": false,
    "results": [
            "broadcast_id": "u5aCvebffuNFpGSGNQFiU4",
            "updated": "2020-11-30T06:58:28Z",
            "first_seen": "2020-11-26T01:18:24Z",
            "dates": {
                "start": "2020-02-02T23:30:00Z",
                "start_local": "2020-02-02T15:30:00",
                "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
            "location": {
                "geopoint": {
                    "lon": -122.4425,
                    "lat": 37.77823
                "place_hierarchies": [
                "places": [
                        "place_id": "5391997",
                        "type": "county",
                        "name": "San Francisco County",
                        "county": "City and County of San Francisco",
                        "region": "California",
                        "country": "US"
                "country": "US"
            "phq_viewership": 300609,
            "record_status": "active",
            "broadcast_status": "scheduled",
            "event": {
                "event_id": "svbfg9xT4YSVUeeAKp",
                "title": "Super Bowl - 49ers vs Kansas City Chiefs",
                "category": "sports",
                "labels": [
                "dates": {
                    "start": "2020-02-02T23:30:00Z",
                    "end": "2020-02-03T03:11:00Z",
                    "start_local": "2020-02-02T18:30:00",
                    "end_local": "2020-02-02T22:11:00",
                    "predicted_end_local": "2020-02-02T21:25:00",
                    "timezone": "America/New_York"
                "location": {
                    "geopoint": {
                        "lon": -80.23886040000002,
                        "lat": 25.9579665
                    "place_hierarchies": [
                    "country": "US"
                "entities": [
                        "entity_id": "wVgG7p8ZKRKEPPrNDq4my9",
                        "type": "venue",
                        "name": "Hard Rock Stadium",
                        "formatted_address": "347 Don Shula Dr\nMiami Gardens, FL 33056\nUnited States of America"
                "phq_attendance": 65326,
                "phq_rank": 86,
                "local_rank": 100,
                "aviation_rank": 99


curl -X GET "" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


Below are some guides relevant to this API:

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