
The PredictHQ API uses conventional HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. If you receive an error, this is what it means:

HTTP Status Code

Bad Request 400

The request contains invalid parameters, or invalid or incomplete data.

Unauthorized 401

You failed to provide a valid Authorization header, or your credentials are invalid or expired.

Payment Required 402

Your subscription has expired.

Forbidden 403

You tried to perform an action that is not authorized. E.g. you failed to request the required scope.

Not Found 404

The resource or endpoint does not exist. Please ensure the URL is correct. Note that you may need to add a trailing slash to the URL path.

Too Many Requests 429

You have reached your subscription (or global) rate limit. Please implement exponential backoffs and retries and take care not to send too many requests in a short period of time.

Service Unavailable 503

The API has been switched to maintenance mode for a major or complex release.

Retrying Failed Requests

As with any API exposed over the public Internet, some requests may fail and they should simply be retried automatically. We recommend that you implement a solution that automatically retries any 5xx errors 3 times with an exponentially increasing delay.

For example: On receiving a 5xx response immediately retry, if you receive a subsequent 5xx response wait 1 second and retry, if you receive a further 5xx response wait 5 seconds and retry, if you still receive a 5xx response fail the request and handle it accordingly.

Last updated

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