
All PredictHQ API endpoints require authentication. You can authenticate your request by sending a token in the Authorization header of your request. If you try to use an API endpoint without a token or that token has insufficient permissions, you will receive a 403 Forbidden response.

curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" 

Create an API Token

Read a more in-depth guide to creating a new API Client and Token or follow the basic steps below:

  1. Log into Control Center and visit the API Clients page.

  2. Select "New Client" and fill in the required information.

  3. Make sure to keep a copy of your new Client Secret as this cannot be shown to you again.

  4. Use the new Client Secret to create a new Token.

  5. Make sure to keep a copy of your new API Token as this cannot be shown to you again.

Now you can use the new API Token in the Authorization header of your API requests.

Last updated

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