Get a Loop Link

Get an existing Loop Link.


HTTP Request


Path Parameters



An existing Loop Link ID.


Response Fields

Response Fields


link_id string

Loop Link Identifier. E.g. ber7ntO0ZHuFVCfrSNsN

create_dt string

Date/time the Loop Link was created in ISO 8601 format. All dates are in UTC. E.g. 2023-05-08T00:29:45.859Z

update_dt string

Date/time the Loop Link was last updated in ISO 8601 format. All dates are in UTC. E.g. 2023-05-08T00:29:45.859Z

expire_dt string

Date/time the Loop Link is set to expire in ISO 8601 format. All dates are in UTC. E.g. 2023-05-08T00:29:45.859Z

user_id string

The User ID of the user who created the Loop Link (if applicable). E.g. DiwBN4A0ZHuF

name string

Name of the Loop Link. This is for your own use as a way to differentiate your Loop Links. E.g. Hotel ABC

links object

These are the links your end-users need to open to access the Loop UI for submitting missing events or feedback about existing events. The different link types are:

  • event: This URL will present a page for submitting missing events.

  • event_feedback: This URL will present a page for providing feedback about an existing event.

When using the event link you can optionally provide the following query string parameters:

  • email: Email address of the end-user who is providing the feedback. This will be stored against the submission so the user can receive email notifications about their submission.

When using the event_feedback link you can optionally provide the following query string parameters:

  • event_id: Event ID to provide the feedback for (if this is not provided, the user will be asked to enter an Event ID).

  • email: Email address of the end-user who is providing the feedback. This will be stored against the submission so the user can receive email notifications about their submission.

metadata object

Metadata can be used to further identify Loop Links in a way that makes sense for your system. The field is a key/value field that accepts string-based keys and string or numeric values. This can be useful for storing additional data such as a end-user identifier or store ID etc.

status string

Status of the loop link. Possible values: - active

Example response

Below is an example response:

  "link_id": "ber7ntO0ZHuFVCfrSNsN",
  "create_dt": "2021-11-01T11:12:34",
  "update_dt": "2021-11-01T11:12:34",
  "expire_dt": "2021-11-01T11:12:34",
  "name": "Hotel A",
  "links": {
    "event": "",
    "event_feedback": ""
  "metadata": {
    "hotel_id": "123456789"
  "status": "active"


curl -X GET "$LINK_ID" \
     -H "Accept: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


Below are some guides relevant to this API:

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